Gravity DAO is a conflict management commons that is emerging from the cultural build of the Token Engineering Commons, to offer Alternative Dispute Resolution and community building services to web3 communities.

Our objective is to promote competence about conflict transformation, while spreading a culture of prevention and self composition that supports human coordination.

The Gravity Working Group aims to help maintain equilibrium and well-being in decentralized communities through nonviolent communication, transformational approach to conflicts, and a system that provides easy access to management protocols.

Weekly Sync: Thurs., 9pm CET Add to calendar

Training Study Plan

The graviton is the hypothetical quantum of gravity, an elementary particle that mediates the force of gravitational interaction.

The Graviton training is a 10-session course that deep dives into tools and skills to prevent and manage conflict amongst DAO contributors. If you participate, claiming 6+ POAPs (1 per session), you can become a Graviton, a clear access point for your community to request support 5 in a variety of situations.

This short course aims to engage people around non violent communication, comprehension of conflicts and techniques to manage it internally, individually and collectively.

Methodology (Gravity style interactions):

There has been a previous curation of tools and information to prepare the training, this content is being promoted with everyone for informed consent and setting expectations. The moderation of each session is given to a facilitator with an unique point of view, that holds the space for education and contextualization of the scheduled topics, and promote engagement for the cross-pollination phase, where we encourage participants to discuss, exchange expertises and points of view, and participate in meaningful ways, to produce new knowledge and iterate within cycles of living wisdom.

After the training, Gravitons shall be able to: