The 5 Future Archetypes are five essential archetypal codes or patterns that emerge during changes of major life cycles. The Future Archetypes were developed by Dr. Anneloes Smitsman as part of her PhD research, which include: The Wholeness Coder, Future Creative, Evolutionary Catalyst, Pattern Weaver, and New Paradigm Storyteller and feature in the Future Humans Trilogy books.

The Wholeness Coders

The Wholeness Coders are able to generate thrivability from within the worlds and systems that are dying and falling away. How? By finding and changing the parameter settings (codes) within the human-made systems that have been suppressing our thrivability. By changing and attuning those human-made codes they enable new possibilities from our future to inform our present reality. Wholeness Coders have a deep sense of the wholeness of Life, and how to build systems based on inclusiveness, co-creativity, and diversity resilience. They intuitively get the thrivability pattern that is Life, and know how to apply this pattern into the codes of our societies and human activities. They can work with complexity in future-creative ways using wholeness as the design principle and evolutionary coherence as the dynamic attractor. Wholeness Coders are also able to tune into and optimize the intelligence of complex dynamic systems for thrivability, and to work with the process of emergence in future-creative ways.

The Future Creatives

The Future Creatives see and seek future-shaping processes and possibilities. They focus on supporting and generating conditions for Life to thrive by creating new possibilities from our future. They work with tensions, uncertainty, chaos, and collapse as transformational dynamics for opening the portals to what is possible. They source their creative power from their future self, and from the possibility space within Life that holds our collective future potentials. They empower our emergence and a fuller actualization of our true humanity.

The Evolutionary Catalysts

The Evolutionary Catalysts are able to activate and catalyze the wisdom of Life in the midst of challenges, divisions, and collapse by shifting our focus to how we can learn, grow, and actualize more of our true potential from within any given situation or experience. These catalysts curate and foster syntony and evolutionary coherence within the complex systems that have lost their attunement with life and have become destructive. Evolutionary Catalysts do not seek to be leaders; instead they mobilize our future as an attractor amidst the systems within which they work. Nevertheless, they do lead by being and becoming state-attractors, themselves, not by telling people what to do. They catalyze transformational change by activating and opening access to our personal and collective wisdom potentials.

The Pattern Weavers

The Pattern Weavers focus on and work with the thrivability pattern. They weave the fabric of our society from a place of wholeness, love, and syntony. They are keenly aware of our interconnectedness and interdependence, and work with these principles to strengthen our thrivability with Life. They are conscious of and help transform the patterns of disconnection and division that have been so present in our mechanistic worldviews and systems. By weaving with the thrivability pattern in an evolutionary conscious way, they provide the fertile soil within which the seeds of thrivability and our dreams and visions can be planted and nurtured to flourish. Accordingly, new systems can emerge from within the older systems in a way that is deeply inclusive and also honours the transition from the old to the new stories. These weavers naturally work with the evolutionary principles of reciprocity, interdependence, mutuality, and interconnectedness as the foundations for thrivability,

The New Paradigm Storytellers

The New Paradigm Storytellers create and share the narratives that connect us all into a shared sense of family and belonging. These are the stories that remind us of our membership within Life and inspire our conscious evolution & development. These storytellers focus on sacred birth and conscious dying as conditions for thrivability and flourishing. Even in the midst of chaos, death, and division when entropic elements are most activated, they can transform the focus and shift the attention to our future-creative competencies and evolutionary possibilities. As Storytellers of a New Narrative, they activate the dynamics of thrivable worlds and futures within our current landscapes and experiences. They help re-member our co-authorship in the evolutionary narrative and re-story our sense of agency in weaving new patterns of being and acting. They know how stories are medicines that can transform and heal deeply and give us the strength and examples that we need right now. They invite us into the co-creation of our next chapter as a Human Family.


Future Archetype Regen Living DHO Regen Civics Alliance Regen 8
Wholeness Coder Ecosystem/Tokenomics Architect Building and Developing DAO Finances and Legal Affairs
Future Creative Place-Based Prototype Developer Researching and Architecting DAO Portfolio Companies Support
Evolutionary Catalyst Human Manifester Facilitating and Space Holding DAO
Pattern Weavers Community Builder Catalysing and Connecting DAO Member Community Management
New Paradigm Storytellers Sensemaker Storyteller Storytelling and Communicating DAO Investor Relations
